anti-CD4 (D2) Purified (with Antibiotics)
Antibodies QS4120 (cat #147-020) and M-T441 each bind to a distinct epitope of CD4 and are suitable as a matched pair for EIA using QS4120 as capture and Biotinylated M-T441(cat# 148-030) as detector.
Isotype: Murine IgG2b
Immunogen: P815 cells transfected with human CD4
Specificity: Antibody M-T441 recognizes an extracellular epitope(4) within the domain 2 region of the CD4 molecule and reacts with human CD4 cell transfectants (1). It has been reported to cross react with Baboon CD4.
1. Characterized by the laboratory of Dr. E.P. Reiber.
2. Leukocyte Typing V (S.F. Schlossman, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1995) p. 476-478.
3. R. König, et al, (1995) J Exp Med 182: 779-787.
4. Song R, DD Ho, et al. (2010) J Virol 84(14): 6935-42 doi: 10.1128/JVI.00453 PMID: 20463063