anti-CD5 Purified (Preservative-free)
Human CD5 is believed to be an alternative signaling molecule found on all mature T cells, on most thymocytes and on a subpopulation of mature B cells expressing autoantibodies (4). The ligand for CD5 is CD72.
Isotype: Murine IgG1
Immunogen: Human thymocytes/Sezary T cells
Specificity: Antibody UCHT2 recognizes epitope 2 of the CD5 molecule of approximately 67 kd (1, 2).
Functional Application: Antibody UCHT2 does not stimulate CD5+ PBMNC (2).
1. P.C.L. Beverly & R.E. Callard. “Protides of the Biological Fluids” (1981) Vol. 29: 653-658, H. Peeters (ed.), Pergamon Press, Oxford.
2. Leukocyte Typing IV (W. Knapp, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford (1989) p. 331-338.
3. G.S. Wood & P.S. Freudenthal, (1992) Am J Pathol 141: 789-795.
4. P.M. Lydyard, et al, (1993) Immunol Lett 38: 159-166.